Just wanted to share with you some of the preparations for the Paris launch of A Town Like Paris.
With a little bit of help from my friends at The Lido, and thanks to the indulgence of the good folk at WH Smith on the Place de la Concorde, the main window of this venerable English-bookstore-in-Paris has been transformed into an ATLP shrine.
Costumes from a former Lido stage show have been brought in to add a bit of Parisian glamour to proceedings as we gear up here in the City of Light for the big launch event on December 13.
If you happen to be in Paris on the evening of Thursday December 13 and want to drop in to say hello - or meet one of the Lido dancers who will attending (in costume, no less) - please feel free to do so. Numbers will be limited, so be sure to RSVP by sending an email to books@whsmith.fr.
The Showgirl is dusting off her glad rags in anticipation, the Thompson Estate wine is chilling as we speak and every Parisian ex-pat and his or her dog is shaping up to join the throng. It should be quite a night.