Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Showgirl cupcakes

Please excuse the laziness with this blog post. It's the end of a long day - a day when I took my first tentative steps to getting rid of some of the winter flab by working out with a personal trainer.

As a result of the torture - I mean, the carefully constructed cardio-vascular and muscular workout that Toni the-pocket-rocket-Spaniard put me through this afternoon, I can barely move my arms, much less type.

Hence, I am copping out by referring you to a blog entry that I wrote for the tastefully talented Mr David Lebovitz - food blogger extraordinaire and fellow inhabitor of Paris' intrinsically groovy 11th arrondissement. David lives just down the road - and as any of you who regularly follow his blog will know, he cooks and bakes like a demon - which is sure to ruin the monastic diet that Toni has prepared for me. On the subject of which, I have a question: is it wrong or somehow sacreligious to live in Paris, the food capital of the world, and be on a diet? Personally, I think so...
But I digress.

If you follow this link to David's blog, you can read all about the cupcakes that my exceptionally talented wife, Shay likes to bake. And yes, the accompanying photo is one of Shay at work, on stage at the Lido, where she high-kicks each night for a living.


martha said...

I always thought that being permanently on a diet was a pre-requisite for living in Paris. Thank about all those non-fat French women & men.

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a blog! I just read your book and passed it on to one of my friends. We want to move to Paris next year and you made it sound amazing!

So if it's crap we'll blame you... hahaha.

Carla said...

HI Brycie, would love some of those cupcakes only thing my thighs resemble saucisson after the winter. Baci Carla